AlartingConditions for triggering Notify-me-in-Advance while repeating Basically, if Repeat is on, Notify-me-in-Advance will be sound even during the repeat, but if it is outside the target p... 2023.03.16Alarting
AlartingHow to change to different TTS voice Do you want to change to different TTS voice? Your device might have another voice! Open Settings of your device. ... 2023.03.08Alarting
GeneralWith Repeat, the date doesn’t change automatically. Question: Repeat is ON, but it doesn't switch to the next repeat day, it's stays in the "Past". Answer: For ex... 2023.02.24General
AlartingAlert last day of every month. How to? If you want the reminder alert you at every end of month, E.g. 31st Jan, 28th Feb, 31st Mar, 30th Apr... like this. Her... 2023.02.08Alarting
GeneralReplace Clone with Recycle on DONE page Usually, if you want to reuse an item on your DONE history tab to create a new reminder, you can do so with the "Clone" ... 2023.02.06General
GeneralDone tick button on notification disappear after updating app. This issus was fixed. Please update to Ver.15.1 or later here After Ver.15.1, always notification buttons also appear... 2023.01.28General
TroubleshootingJump to Main wrongly when tap shortcut or widget plus button. When you tap the shortcut or plus button of widget, it's supposed to be jump to reminder creation page. However if you a... 2023.01.27Troubleshooting
GeneralWhat is DONE page? What purpose? DONE page is the history of what & when you did. E.g. Phone app has "Recent call history", right? It's the sa... 2023.01.24General
GeneralI can’t edit DONE reminder & make it ACTIVE again. If you tap "Edit" on DONE page, This only you can edit note of "DONE history" and it won't ring. (You can't select fut... 2023.01.24General
AlartingI want TTS to speak twice For example, if you want Text-to-speech to speak twice like "Meds time. Meds time.". There are 2 ways to achieve this. ... 2023.01.21Alarting