AlartingCan’t change alarm volume, duration & tone? Here is how to do. When you want to change Alarm volume, duration & tone of the reminder which already you' ve set, Tap Edit. ... 2022.12.04Alarting
Alarting“Alarm” “Notification” & “Text-to-speech” What’s the difference between them? Alarm Alarm: Alarm tone/melody will be ringing for specific duration (5sec - 3min : you can set). Generally you need to... 2022.10.01Alarting
AlartingRepeat alert every 1 min or specific minutes Do you want to repeat your notification, Text-to-speech or alarm every 1 minutes or every several minutes again and agai... 2022.09.21Alarting
AlartingVibrate with ringing sound together For notifications: Also you can go to this settings page from: your device's settings -> (App &)Noti... 2022.09.06Alarting
AlartingAdd a task in ACTIVE list without alerting You can pause alerting with tapping the Clock button. So it won't ring. While icon color is: Green:Alerting ... 2022.09.06AlartingGeneral
AlartingHow to Stop Snooze? Just tick the checkbox. Then Snooze will Stop. For PRO If you are PRO, you can press "Mark as Done" or... 2022.09.06Alarting
AlartingHow to DONE repeating Reminder when I don’t need to repeat any longer? For Free version: Open "Edit". Go to "Repeat". Turn it OFF. Then SET. Now if you tick the c... 2022.09.06Alarting
AlartingMute beginning of Text-to-speech beep sound You can mute beep sound which ding before text-to-speech speaks. 2022.09.06Alarting
AlartingI want to use “Pre-alert” after Ver.6.9! Yes you can! After Ver.6.9, You might've noticed there is no "Pre-alert" any longer in Reminder FLEX. But if you still want to use P... 2022.06.11Alarting
AlartingLight up screen when get notification in android When your device screen is off, and get a notification from Reminder. You'll hear the ding, but device screen doesn't li... 2022.04.24Alarting